

Student standing before a bank of network devices in a tower.

Business & Information Technology


The greatness of business ideas and their success rests upon the wheels of commerce. At Rose State College, students have an opportunity to study these various aspects of commerce, which underlie the principles of accounting, business administration, economics, computer technology, cyber security, multimedia, and our legal system.

Our full-time business professors have at least a Master's Degree or business and industry equivalent, and the majority of them have been teaching for at least 8 years.

Welcome to our website. We are dedicated to providing the tools, skills, and knowledge that will assist you in being successful whether you choose to go to work, continue your education, obtain experience for certification, upgrade your existing skills, or take a class for personal growth and enjoyment.

Our full-time business professors are here to provide quality business educational programs to the community as conveniently and economically as possible.

The Associate in Science in Business degree (the transfer degree) is designed to ease the transition between two-year and four-year colleges. In the BIT Division, we only offer one AS degree: The College of Business option. Many colleges and universities accept the courses to satisfy the first two years of a four-year degree in a college of business. Please click on the link (see the menu on the left) to see the actual degree program.

The Associate in Applied Science degrees (non-transfer) are designed to prepare the student for employment immediately after graduation. Choices of non-transfer degrees include Accounting, Business Administration (various options), Computer Programming, Database Development, Multimedia Digital Design, Paralegal Studies, Digital Forensics, Cyber Security, and Cyber Science.

The Division has eleven classrooms equipped with computers utilizing a variety of software programs and applications. We are making progress in the accommodation of visually impaired students by providing large monitors for some PCs. Most professors in lecture classes utilize software applications (PowerPoint, Access, and Excel) to enhance the learning environment. Additionally, our two dedicated networking labs are equipped with current computers and various operating systems to include Windows, MacOS, and Linux. These labs are also configured in such a way to allow immediate transition from one operating system to another. Our remaining classrooms are carpeted and furnished with comfortable chairs and tables rather than school desks to provide an atmosphere more conducive to learning. In addition, many of our classrooms are equipped to provide class content via ZOOM. This is to help with the FLEX modality of offering classes.

Our Division has many transfer articulation agreements to 4-year colleges/universities. The agreements come in two types. They are the direct transfer, or Associates in Science (AS) degree, and the Associates in Applied Science (AAS) degree. Please click on the link (see the menu on the left) to see all of the AS degree Articulation Agreements and where they transfer to.

The Business and Information Technology Division’s Associates in Applied Science degree (AAS) transfer articulation agreements (also known as 2 + 2 agreements) are also listed. Again, please click on the link (see the menu on the left) to see all of the AAS degree Articulation Agreements and where they transfer to.

Students may choose from many student organizations. Business professors sponsor two student organizations: The Paralegal Club and the CyberSecurity Club.

We invite you to come to our division to investigate the possibility of becoming a student of Business & Information Technology whether seeking a degree or just updating your skill sets.

BIT Division Student Clubs
  • CyberSecurity Club - for more information contact club sponsor Ken Dewey.
  • Paralegal Club - for more information contact club sponsor Dr. Brandon Burris

Advisory Councils

The Mission of Rose State College is to provide a wide range of lower division, higher education programs to fulfill the educational and occupational training needs within its service area.

To aid us in meeting our mission objectives, we actively participate in the advisory team concept. The College encourages the involvement of community representatives in recommending technical program training needs as well as existing program curricula updating. It is the policy of Rose State College that each of the technical programs, and certain designated university parallel programs have advisory committees that meet at least once each year to review each program's curricula as it relates to the needs of students and employers.

The technical program advisory committees are composed of at least seven individuals from outside the College who are chosen from segments of the Oklahoma City metropolitan area to collectively advise the College regarding development and/or operation of a particular program.

The advisory committees are composed of individuals with special expertise, leadership, and an interest in improving industry-education cooperation. Rose State College's commitment to education excellence depends on advisory committee members who are willing to share their technical expertise, their knowledge, and interest in serving one of the most important components in the community--schools and their students.

Message from the Dean


Welcome to Rose State College and the Business and Information Technology Division.

The Business and Information Technology Division's mission is to provide educational opportunities to equip all students with the knowledge, skill sets, and high standards of ethics needed to perform and excel in an ever-changing business environment.  We prepare students for careers through expert faculty, excellent career advice, and our faculty and staff support.   We also have dedicated academic advisors that will guide you through the course enrollment process.  

In the Business and Information Technology Division, we provide a variety of programs designed to prepare students with disciplinary, practical, and critical thinking knowledge to respond to the challenges of the 21st century.

Once again, welcome and thank you for visiting the Business and Information Technology Division website. 

Charles DeSassure
Charles DeSassure
Dean, Business Information Technology Business Information Technology Division
(405) 733-7343