Supply Chain Management
Business Administration Associate in Applied Science Degree
Supply Chain Management and Logistics Option (63 credit hours min.)
Program Goals and Objectives
- Associate in Applied Science Degree option focusing on Supply Chain Management and Logistics
- Supply Chain Management and Logistics Certificate
Rose State College offers degrees and certificate programs in Supply Chain Management and Logistics that prepare you for supervisory and coordinator level careers that are in demand. The course work students complete in the Supply Chain Management and Logistics option will enhance their ability to enter or advance within the career pathways focused on the supply chain and logistics operations of industry.
Students have a 2 year Associate in Applied Science Degree option focusing on Supply Chain Management and Logistics that can be completed on campus or 100% online. There is also a Supply Chain Management and Logistics Certificate that can also be completed on campus or online in just 2 semesters. As an added benefit, both options prepare students with an understanding of career path options in supply chain and logistics.
Whether students are attaining certification and/or an AAS degree in this field, they can seek a career in a wide field of business occupations including, but not limited to logistics analyst, production, planning and expediting clerk, supply chain coordinator or purchasing agent.
Upon degree completion the students will be able to:
- implement an understanding of the importance and positioning of supply chain management and logistics to the formation of business strategy and the conduct of supply chain operations;
- understand the importance and implications of a consumer-focused supply chain and logistics strategy;
- develop an in-depth understanding of logistics operating areas and their functions;
- develop an understanding of the impact globalization plays on supply chain and logistics.
The embedded certificate is designed to:
- prepare students who have successfully completed these courses to enter the workforce;
- prepare students with an understanding of career path options in supply chain and logistics
- refresh the students’ skills that are required within the business field; and,
- improve the students’ skills for them to receive a promotion or salary incentive within a specific organization.
The courses within the embedded certificate may be applied to an AAS degree where the student may be eligible to receive both a certificate and an AAS degree.
The Rose State College Business Administration program has articulation agreements with various colleges and universities in Oklahoma. Students may transfer many of the courses in the degree program to the articulated college or university. These articulation agreements are subject to change; therefore, check with the Business Division Advisor and the destination college or university to verify a smooth transition.
Degree Awarded
Associate in Applied Science and/or
Supply Chain Management and Logistics Certificate
For Information, telephone:
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Business & Information Technology Division Advisor, Steve Johnson (405) 736-0348 |