


Global & Cultural Learning

Passport to Learning

Global & Cultural Learning

Passport Program

  • Experience culture WITHOUT an official passport!
  • Bring your family and friends to help you enjoy the cultural experiences of the Rose State College Passport Program.

What is the Passport Program?

The Passport Program encourages students to increase their awareness of the arts and culture within their own community, throughout the state, and in neighboring states.

What kinds of activities are included?

Spring 2025 Passport Program Event List (PDF)

What's in it for me?

  • Employers are seeking employees who have knowledge of and experience with the arts and cultures besides their own. This program gives students an opportunity to enhance their knowledge in several areas.
  • All who earn 100 Passport Program points earn recognition at graduation and more.
  • Some professors will offer extra credit for participation.
  • You may even choose to participate for Honors credit in some classes.
  • On a more personal level, you will gain new perspectives and be able to reflect on new experiences.

How does it work?

  1. Complete and submit the enrollment form below or contact Professor Lori Morrow in HU 115 at and provide your name and student ID so that you can be enrolled in the program in Canvas.
  3. Log in to Canvas and look for the Passport Program link in your list of classes for the semester.  No, it's really not a class, but you will get information, updates, assignments, and keep track of your points here.
  5. Access the list of activities for the semester to plan your participation.  As new activities become available, they will be listed as news items on the Canvas homepage.
  7. Attend the events, museums, and other activities on the list. After you attend, complete either the questions or the reflective essay that corresponds with the activity/event and submit to the Canvas assignment folder within 2 weeks of the event.  Once this is done, you will receive credit in the Passport Program Canvas gradebook.
  9. The goal is to get to 100 points, and each event is assigned different points.  Special recognition will be given to all students who earn 100 points.
  10. For some, the goal may be to just have fun while enjoying new experiences instead of earning points.  I encourage all levels of participation.

Passport Program Enrollment Form

Whom should I contact with questions?

Lori Morrow
Lori Morrow
Professor Humanities Department
(405) 733-7507